Do you know how much a vehicle costs you per year? And do you know how much you can save with carsharing? This solution is not a passing fad. It is a revolution for mobility. If this phenomenon is so attractive today and more and more to professionals, it is because it responds to urgent problems. Opting for carsharing is an ecological and economical choice. In 2019, it was estimated that a diesel vehicle covering 35,000 km per year represented an annual expense of 2625€ for a company.  The recent increase in fuel prices only confirms the concerns of fleet managers. And that’s without mentioning the other expenses related to the ownership of a vehicle: taxes, vehicle registration, toll fees, technical control, maintenance, revision, cleaning, parking in town, insurance… everything is increasing! In this article, discover how car sharing and fuel can become a winning equation. 

Carsharing: a clarification on cost sharing 

As the name suggests, car sharing is the practice of making a car available to several users. And limiting the allocation of a single vehicle per person is an excellent way for a fleet manager to reduce costs.  Because used or not, the vehicles represent costs that the fleet manager must pay for. With the implementation of carsharing, managers can re-evaluate the needs of their employees in terms of fleet and thus reduce the size of the fleet and the associated costs. Leasing, insurance, maintenance, costs that could be eliminated for each vehicle that would be less important. However, the concern about fuel costs persists, whether the fleet contains 10 vehicles or 5, the company’s employees will always need to drive the same distances, consume the same amount of fuel and therefore generate the same expenses. 

The question remains, therefore, what part share vehicles can play in reducing fuel expenses. Let’s take a concrete example, 5 employees share a city car that can consume 4.5 liters for 100 kilometers.  Taking a pump price of 1.80€ and a distance of 10,000 km per vehicle per year, the company spends 810€ on fuel.  

Although known as the most reliable car-sharing solution, the platform offers many advantages to its fleet managers. One of them is a real time monitoring of all the information on the shared vehicles. The manager can therefore track : 

It is through this last point that our platform can help companies better manage their fuel expenses. Thanks to their back-office platform, fleet managers get a precise reading on the trips of each of their employees. And more specifically on the kilometers traveled during each reservation. In the era of the electric vehicle, the analysis of employee journeys is essential to correctly adapt the fleet. While it is estimated that 73% of business trips do not exceed 100 kilometers, electric vehicles could be the answer to fuel expenses. Taking our example of 5 diesel vehicles representing a fuel cost of 810 € per year and imagining that only 2 vehicles are needed to cover the 27% of trips exceeding 100 kilometers, fuel expenses could easily be reduced to only 324 € per year. 

The connected solution from helps you to know the costs of your fleet to better control them. Small companies, large groups, dealers and municipalities: everyone is concerned. With the platform, you have a tool adapted to estimate your budget. Calculate easily how much your vehicle costs you each year. You are then free to set the frequency, duration and average distance of your shared vehicles for an optimal control of income and expenses. 

Stay in control of your fuel with car sharing 

Optimizing costs and reducing expenses through carsharing goes beyond fuel consumption. A revolution in mobility means rationalizing costs, both for vehicle management and acquisition. With real savings, especially for companies that own a fleet of vehicles. Maintenance costs, repairs, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions: the trend is downward. In a world driven by the climate emergency, this is the only acceptable trend. 

Thus, carsharing is part of a global approach to controlling costs and its carbon footprint. It is likely that the current increase in fuel prices is not an exception. In a context marked by international dependencies and tensions, gasoline and diesel prices are bound to continue to rise. Car-sharing marks an economic, ecological and ideological turning point. It’s about taking the car and sharing it when you can’t do without it. And finding alternatives for other trips. Tomorrow’s mobility is already being imagined. 

Every vehicle has its fixed costs. With the recent increase in fuel prices, no expense should be overlooked when it comes to saving money. For many fleet managers, the annual budget is high even though the usage does not always justify owning the vehicle. Savings are one of the major advantages of switching to carsharing. With, professionals have “the most reliable solution for car sharing”. No need to have so many vehicles in the fleet, when it is possible to share a vehicle between several employees! 

Interested in learning more on carsharing and ithe advantages it can bring to your organization. You can have a look at our solutions page.

Enjoy your journet


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